Créer ALUVY en plein milieu du confinement d’avril 2020, était plus qu’un pari... c’était un peu fou. Mais ne sommes nous pas un peu fous nous même ? En tout cas, si nos parcours sont jonchés de décisions parfois intrépides, elles ont un dénominateur commun : l’envie d’entreprendre et de vivre des aventures humaines.

Notre histoire
Today, Jean-Pierre is in charge of ALUVY's operations, while Paul and Hugo put their industrial skills and those of their teams at the service of the development of our products: good, solid and responsible products.
Our mission: to make outdoor products that unleash inner personality
We wanted to create a brand that loves life, loves freedom, loves others and is enriched by the world's diversity. We want to share all this with you who think like we do. Our ambition is not to create a universal brand, but rather a brand that has convictions, character and assumes them.

Le made in France
2 des fondateurs d’ALUVY sont donc des spécialistes de la fonderie d’aluminium. Cette technique consiste à faire fondre des lingots d’aluminium et faire couler le métal devenu liquide dans les moules fabriqués à façon. Ce groupe existe depuis 2001. Il est organisé en 4 lieux de production : 2 en France, 1 au Portugal et 1 en Tunisie. Le siège du groupe est basé en Isère (38).

Only the elements related to LULU gas (the 2 valves and the 2 burners) are produced outside Europe. They were designed for ALUVY by a specialist gas partner based in China. Indeed, the very specific design of our barbecues required the design of a tailor-made heating system. It is now very difficult to find this kind of skills in France and even in Europe.
All of these parts definitely become a LULU, MARCEL, SAM, JEAN or even JOSEPHINE barbecue in our factory based in Isère. To avoid overproduction, we only start manufacturing once a customer's order has been registered. Operators assemble the parts according to an assembly cycle which is still very manual but which makes it possible to produce around 100 barbecues per month. It is in this factory that all orders are prepared and shipped throughout France and soon to Europe.

“What struck me first was the sturdiness and finish of the BBQ.
I like ! » - Frank

« Merci pour l'éfficacité d evotre service, de la qualité du produit et de la relation clients.(...)» - Philippe

« On peut inviter plein d'amis et manger tous en même temps. Merci Marcel ! » - Françoise